Monday, March 31, 2008

Dear Christian...

Dear Christian,

Please stop crying and go to sleep. Your diaper is fine and no, 15 min is not a long enough nap. You need the rest and so do I. I promise that you'll feel better once you sleep. I love you,

Love, Mommy


Albanie said...

Oh gosh! Kathleen, you crack me up. Good job for being a tough cookie. He is totally trying to get to you. You'll come out the winner, though!

Ware Family said...

Oh Kathleen,
I feel your pain! Although it's been a while since I have had such a hard time. My terrible sleeper was Jackson. Thank goodness that is overwith! It was so hard and it took soooo long.
When you become a mom you realize why sleep deprivation is a form of torture..........